Micro-needling: An Organic Approach to Age-Management

If you’ve ever worked with me, you know that I only work with treatments that can provide deep and effective results for my clients. That is why I work with proven medical grade skincare and facial treatments. And of course, it is always key to assess each person’s unique skin and align it with the best course of action for their individual needs.

While ageing is inevitable, I do believe that age-management solutions for our skin can make a huge difference in how fast our skin ages and how it looks in the process. We know and see how implementing (and committing to!) an effective custom home care program is key to achieving wonderful results in your short- and long-term skin health. That being said, once your foundation is built, some treatments such as micro-needling can be the perfect addition to up-level your age-management strategy.

Why I do micro-needling

As an effective, non-invasive age-management tool, micro-needling fits perfectly within my skincare philosophy. This treatment offers a natural approach to age-prevention and can have significant results as a go-to alternative to medical treatments such as Botox and other injectables. While the latter target specific areas of the face, micro-needling addresses the face and skin as a whole – proving to be more sustainable (and much more cost effective) over time.

A Simple Treatment Procedure

A hand held machine pen with tiny surgical needles makes perforations in the epidermis and dermis triggering the body’s spontaneous healing process. This natural reaction causes the formation of new collagen and results in a thicker, more supple cellular matrix. The result: visibly younger looking skin.

Micro-needling itself is a relatively quick and painless procedure (the skin is numbed for treatment) with no real down time. The next day your skin needs to be treated with care and it may be a little blotchy and spotted with red dots, then the skin heals very quickly over the next few days. Unlike peels, there is minimal peeling of the skin and therefore less worry about dealing with how that looks!

Micro-needling for Sustainable Age-Management

What drew me to micro-needling is how unique it is as an age prevention method. It addresses the face in its entirety – immediately regenerating and rejuvenating the look of the skin. Unlike temporary treatments, micro-needling increases collagen production, which decelerates age progression in the long term. It helps to reduce wrinkles, tighten and thicken the skin, and, perhaps most impressively, fill and smooth scars. Essentially, micro-needling works on a compound basis, by addressing the immediate concerns of the skin and creating lasting results that reverse skin damage and slow ageing over time.

Micro-needling can work wonders as an early age-prevention approach, too. You can begin micro-needling in your mid to late 30’s and institute annual maintenance for the long term to slow the effects of ageing skin. If you are wishing to do some meaningful age management alternative without ‘huge’ financial commitment, this is ideal and a natural approach. Moreover, you are well poised at this age to reap the maximum effect of the treatment – as long as you stay committed to its maintenance.

A Cost Effective Solution

A series of treatments is necessary to start, but once that’s completed you are not starting over like you would with peels or lasers, you just maintain once or twice annually. You can keep the result going, while also saving your hard earned money.

My perspective and honest truth is once you make the leap with a treatment like this, continue. That’s the name of the game. Otherwise, it is not the best use of your money. The true benefit is the ongoing management that it offers, supported by the correct ingredients in your home care plan.

Micro-needling at Louise Green Skincare

If you are interested in finding out whether micro-needling is the right choice for your skin, come in for a consultation. I provide a complimentary skin care analysis to ensure that the best course of action is taken for your current challenges and skin conditions.

Book a consultation here.

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